Featured Dadpreneur – Niko Frangos

By Dadpreneurbook

Pizzaman of a business that’s been open nearly four decades, Niko Frangos joins us today. He is the CEO of Cleveland-based Rascal House (formerly an animator at Disney for nine years). Here’s what he had to say about living up to the Dadpreneur label. 

Be present in both business and home

When you do have time with your family, disconnect from your phone and be fully present with them. Enjoy the moments you have together. At work, focus on the tasks at hand and be fully ingrained in your work.

Don’t beat yourself up for missing out

Inevitably, there will be a time when you will have to miss a family event for a work event or vice versa. Try not to beat yourself up for missing out a few times and recognize that you have to give and take with each aspect of your life.

Prioritize what needs to get done

Know what really needs to be done and get it done so you can focus on the other things going on in your life. Have a to-do list, focus on what you can realistically accomplish and hire a great team who can support you.

Separate family and business time

If it’s not an emergency, family time shouldn’t cross into business and business shouldn’t cross into family time. When you’re at home with your spouse or kids, focus on them and leave the business in the office.